/  Jaywalker   /   Recharge and Reward

bocce ballToday the JWU crew enjoyed a day of outdoor games which promoted teamwork, fitness, healthy competition and sober socializing. The activities included basketball, Frisbee, croquet and bocce ball on a day in which a higher power broke the clouds and snow long enough for a day of outdoor fun to occur. After lunching at the park, students cycled through the games of their choosing which provided a break from a week of hard work, both at school and in recovery. A guest appearance was made by Parker Hagenbart, a yellow lab who loves the outdoors, and allowed for some beneficial canine-human interaction. The day served as a source of connection between clients, through both peer encouragement and shared good spirits. Organic humor was easily recognizable among the clients during the activities, and complimented the already pleasant mood exhibited by all. In the end, the experience was one of camaraderie, relaxation and entertainment, with the added benefits of recharge and reward.

Danny W

Jaywalker U Student