Process Addictions


Process addictions, also known as behavioral addictions, are compulsive behaviors that a person becomes reliant on for emotional gratification. 

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Process addictions refer to behavioral disorders that involve compulsive behaviors such as gambling, gaming, shopping, and even excessive use of technology.

These types of addictions are often overlooked or misunderstood, but they can have a significant impact on an individual’s life.

Our men’s treatment programs in Colorado may be right for you or a loved one who is struggling with process addiction. We can help you take the steps toward freedom.


Process addictions, also known as behavioral addictions, are a type of addiction that does not involve the use of drugs or alcohol. Instead, they are characterized by compulsive and repetitive behaviors that provide a temporary sense of pleasure or relief.

Examples of process addictions include gambling, shopping, internet use, and sex. These activities may start as harmless hobbies or habits but can quickly spiral out of control and become addictive. Similar to substance addictions, process addictions can lead to negative consequences in an individual’s life, such as financial problems and relationship issues.

Like other forms of addiction, underlying factors such as genetics, trauma, and mental health disorders can contribute to the development of process addictions. If you or a loved one requires treatment for process addiction, our outpatient services for men may be right for you.


This type of addiction involves an uncontrollable urge to gamble, despite the negative consequences it may have on one’s personal and financial well-being.

With the rise of technology, internet addiction has become a growing concern. It is characterized by excessive internet use, leading to neglect of daily responsibilities and relationships.

Also known as compulsive buying disorder, this addiction involves an irresistible urge to shop, often resulting in financial problems.

Those with work addiction have an intense need to constantly work and achieve success, often at the expense of their physical and mental well-being.

This involves an unhealthy relationship with food, where individuals feel a strong compulsion to overeat or consume specific types of food despite adverse consequences on their health.

Individuals with sex addiction have an overwhelming desire for sexual activity and may engage in risky behaviors such as multiple partners or unsafe sex practices.

With the increasing use of social media platforms, this type of addiction is on the rise. It involves excessive use of social media that can lead to negative effects on mental health and relationships.

It’s important for individuals struggling with any form of process addiction to seek help from mental health professionals who specialize in treating these conditions. With proper treatment and support, recovery from process addictions is possible.


According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), process addictions affect about 20% of the general population in the United States. It is estimated that around 7% of individuals with a process addiction will seek treatment for their condition.

Some statistics on process addictions include:

  • Gambling addiction affects approximately 2-3% of Americans.
  • Internet addiction affects about 6-8% of Americans.
  • Shopping addiction affects around 5-7% of Americans.
  • Eating disorders, such as binge eating and food addiction, affect around 2-5% of Americans.

It is important to note that these numbers may be underreported as many individuals may not seek treatment or may not even realize they have a problem. If you are showing signs of process addiction, The Landing may be a great place to start treatment.


Some common signs and symptoms of process addictions include:

Individuals with a process addiction may constantly think about and plan for engaging in the addictive behavior, to the point where it becomes a primary focus in their life.

Despite efforts to reduce or stop the behavior, those with a process addiction find themselves unable to do so and continue to engage in it despite negative consequences.

As the addiction takes up more time and energy, individuals may start neglecting important responsibilities such as work, school, or relationships.

Similar to substance addictions, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms when they are unable to engage in the addictive behavior.

Over time, individuals may develop a tolerance to the behavior and need to engage in it more frequently or intensely to achieve the same level of satisfaction.

Despite recognizing that the behavior is causing harm, individuals may struggle to quit on their own and require professional help.

The preoccupation with addictive behavior can strain relationships as individuals prioritize it over spending time with loved ones or fulfilling relationship commitments.

Process addictions can also have a significant impact on an individual’s finances as they may spend excessive amounts of money on their addictive behavior or neglect financial responsibilities to engage in it.

The addictive behavior can cause changes in mood and heightened irritability, especially when an individual is unable to engage in it.

Like other types of addiction, those with process addictions may deny or minimize their behaviors and refuse to acknowledge that they have a problem.


Process addictions, also known as behavioral addictions, involve compulsive behaviors that provide a temporary sense of pleasure or relief but ultimately lead to negative consequences. These addictions can occur alongside substance use disorders and often act as a trigger for relapse.

When process addictions co-occur with substance use disorders, it is important for treatment to address both the addiction and the underlying causes. Our men’s dual-diagnosis treatment program simultaneously addresses co-occurring disorders through therapy, medication management, and support groups.

Treatment providers must recognize the presence of co-occurring process addictions in individuals with substance use disorders and address them simultaneously for successful recovery. Individuals can achieve long-term recovery and improve their overall well-being by identifying and treating these underlying behaviors.


Process addiction and substance addiction have several similarities. One of the main similarities is the compulsive behavior associated with both types of addiction. In both cases, individuals feel a strong urge to engage in a particular behavior or consume a specific substance even if it has negative consequences on their health, relationships, or daily life.

Additionally, both process addiction and substance addiction can lead to tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. Tolerance occurs when an individual needs more of the behavior or substance to experience the same level of pleasure or satisfaction. As a result, they may engage in riskier behaviors or increase their consumption, leading to potential harm.

Another similarity is that process addiction and substance addiction are both linked to negative mental health outcomes. People with a process addiction or substance addiction have a greater chance of developing a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety.


The main difference between substance abuse and process addiction lies in the object of addiction. Substance abuse involves alcohol or drug addiction, while process addictions involve behaviors such as gambling, shopping, gaming, or even eating.

Substance abuse has a more significant physical impact as it involves ingesting harmful substances into the body. Individuals who struggle with substance abuse may experience physical symptoms such as withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit. Process addicts may also face some physical issues due to their addictive behavior but not at the same level as substance abusers.

Additionally, substance abuse is related to underlying psychological issues such as trauma, anxiety, or depression. Individuals may turn to substances to cope with these underlying issues and eventually become addicted. On the other hand, process addictions are usually a result of behavioral patterns and are not necessarily linked to any underlying mental health issues.


Our men’s residential treatment center provides round-the-clock care and support for individuals struggling with process addictions. We offer a safe and structured environment where clients can focus on their recovery without distractions. Residential treatment may include individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and experiential activities such as art therapy or mindfulness practices.

Dual diagnosis treatment is essential for individuals with co-occurring disorders, such as a process addiction and a mental health disorder like depression or anxiety. This integrated approach addresses both conditions simultaneously to ensure comprehensive treatment and lasting recovery.

Our partial hospitalization program (PHP) is a day program that offers intensive treatment for individuals who do not require 24-hour supervision but still need a higher level of care than traditional outpatient programs. Our PHP typically involves structured therapeutic activities during the day, such as individual or group therapy sessions, while allowing clients to return home in the evenings.

Our intensive outpatient program (IOP) involves attending multiple therapy sessions throughout the week, but clients can live at home and continue their daily routines. Our IOP offers flexibility for those who cannot commit to residential treatment but still need more support than traditional outpatient services.


At Jaywalker we understand that process addictions can have a powerful hold on individuals and can greatly impact their lives. That’s why we offer comprehensive treatment for process addictions to help men overcome their addictions and live a fulfilling life.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a process addiction, contact us today for more information about our programs.

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