Service work at the Hopi Reservation

This weekend our Solutions men headed out to the Hopi Reservation in Arizona to assist Red Feather and Kii Nat Wan Lalwa (Local Hopi organizations) in their Tsakwantota Natural Plastering Program. Our men will learn about the Hopi people and their life ways, as well as, witnessing a Hopi religious ceremony held within one of […]

Mission Wolf Sanctuary

Ever stare into the eyes of a 120 lb. artic wolf, standing two inches from your face?  Ever climb a 650 ft. sand dune, urged on by your friends to keep going… when your legs are on fire? Our Solutions men experienced all this and more during our recent visit to the Mission Wolf sanctuary […]

Giving is Getting

The school year is ending for many.  Students at the local boarding school, Colorado Rocky Mountain School, are preparing to travel to their homes all about the country. Some will be returning in the fall, others will be venturing off to colleges. All of them will be negotiating new minefields of drug and alcohol temptations […]

Highway Helpers

What a better way than to spend the afternoon by being of service and helping support the C dot Highway cleanup. The weather was nice, the orange vests were out, and the smell of a clean stretch of highway was in the air. This was Jaywalker lodge’s first quarterly highway cleanup of the year; it […]

Solutions to the rescue

Carbondale Council for Arts and Humanities (CCAH) featured their 33rd Annual Valley Visual Arts Show on January 31st. Jaywalker Solutions has been known for its service work and was contacted to help with the hanging of the woodworking, paintings, photo’s, and ceramic art work. However, the day of the hanging landed on 1/30/13 when most […]

Giving Back

hat’s the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about the holidays? If you’re like most people, you probably think of food! The holidays are surrounded by friends, family, and food. Every 4th Monday of the month the Jaywalker Lodge men prepare food for the homeless, and last weeks happened to fall on Christmas […]

Experience the world-class men's treatment center in Carbondale, CO

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Experience the world-class men's treatment center in Carbondale, CO

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.