Can Nature Be My Higher Power?

Many recovery programs are designed to foster faith in an individual. Faith is having confidence in the things we hope for and being reassured that everything truly happens for a reason. Overcoming an addiction can be a very challenging process, although having faith increases your chance of recovery and your chance of finding peace. Having […]

How Nature Helps Us Find Our Inner Wild Man


The myth of the wild man is an ancient one. The wild man lives free and true, outside the boundaries we all share. He’s one with nature, one with himself. He fully knows himself, and he lives by his own code. He is strong, fierce, and helpful. A guide. A protector. But the wild man […]

Connecting With Your Higher Power in Nature

higher power in nature

For people worldwide, from all walks of life, connecting with our own personal higher power is an important and rewarding pursuit. Whether we are alcoholics, addicts, or otherwise, many of us recognize some sort of power in the universe that is greater than ourselves. Especially for those of us who are in recovery, discovering and […]

Nature’s Role in Healing and Recovery

Entering recovery is possibly the most life-changing experience any of us will undergo. Yet when we first find the sober path, we are often just stepping out of a life of disconnection, trauma, and misery. Our mind, body, and spirit are all worse for wear. As the professionals at Jaywalker Lodge guide us and the […]

The Natural Difference

When addicts and alcoholics seek help for their disease, they likely expect the Hollywood movie depiction of sterile hospitals and cold, clinical settings. In a lot of cases that is what help looks like. Such settings can be tremendously helpful, especially for those who are suffering acute physical symptoms. Then there are those who have […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.