JWU StrengthsQuest
What are your strengths that will enhance your academic choices and propel you into the career that fits your strengths and feeds your spirit? Each student at Jaywalker U will take the StrengthsQuest Finder and discover their top five strengths and how to apply those strengths to life today and in the future. This concept […]
JWU Multi-pitch Climb
Recently JWU spent the day with Johann Aberger and two other expert rock climbing guides for what I thought was to be a short jaunt up Petit Blue. The jaunt was indeed short, but the climb was long and challenging. The focus of this outing was to face fear and move through it with courage, and […]
Recovery Month
September is Recovery Month and has been designated as such for over 25 years. According to the National Council for Behavioral Health, 1 in 12 adults struggled with addiction during the last year and 1 in 5 had a mental illness. The theme for this year is “Join the Voices for Recovery: Speak up, Reach […]
Community Suicide Prevention Training
The Aspen Hope Center is offering free Community Suicide Prevention Training. To sign up, please call 970-925-5858. The training dates and locations are as follows: – Tuesday, 9/9: Carbondale Library, 6:00-7:30pm – Tuesday, 9/16: Christian Science Society House in Aspen, 6:00-7:30pm – Tuesday, 9/23: Snowmass Chapel in Snowmass Village, 6:00-7:30pm – Tuesday, 9/30: El Jebel […]
College Majors
Every semester the Jaywalker U students are asked to write about their potential majors and some of the jobs that they could have when they graduate. Business, Art, History, and Science were among the majors that our students are pursuing. In the past the Jaywalker U students have picked a degree because it sounded nice […]
29 Years
Jaywalker U Program Director, Janet DeMars, celebrated 29 years of sobriety yesterday! Janet has been with Jaywalker U for two years now and has been a tremendous help to the students as well as myself. Along with working individually with the Jaywalker U students, Janet also counsels students at Colorado Mountain College. After moving to […]
Ride CMC – Fall 2014 Shuttle Schedule RIDE CMC is a shuttle service operating Monday – Thursday between CMC-Spring Valley, Thunder River Market (RFTA connection), CMC-Glenwood and CMC-Carbondale providing free transportation to classes for students. CMC student ID required to ride (or photo ID plus your class schedule) For information call 947-8200 Morning Route (Mon-Thurs) […]
2014 JWU Fall Orientation
Every semester the Jaywalker U students embark on a team-building/transformational trip where they not only work on themselves but also bond with their peers. For the second year in a row the Jaywalker U men headed to Steamboat Springs to explore their inner selves, get to know their peers, and spend some time relaxing and […]
English in Action
Today the Jaywalker U students and Solutions Men got together to finish painting the English in Action house in El Jebel, CO. English in Action is a non-profit organization that provides help for adults that wish to improve their English language. With over 15 helping hands we were able to finish today. Nice work guys! […]
7th Annual Jaywalker Serenity Scramble
It’s that time of year again! Jaywalker Lodge is hosting the 7th Annual Jaywalker Lodge Serenity Scramble on Monday, September 15th, at Ironbridge Golf Club in Glenwood Springs, CO. All proceeds benefit two local non-profits: A Way Out and Valley Partnership for Drug Prevention. The shotgun start will kick off at 10:30 AM sharp, followed by […]