St. George Alumni Trip

Over the past weekend I was lucky enough to attend the Jaywalker Alumni trip to St George, Utah.  To anyone that has never attended the alumni trips, I would highly recommend it.  Not only was I able to get away from the rain and snow of this Colorado spring, but was able to reconnect with […]

Larsen Celebrates 6

Larsen and I have become best friends over the last six years. He is my brother. We have that unshakeable bond of having escaped common peril. When Peyton asked if I could write a piece on Larsen for his sixth birthday I was thrilled. There were three qualities that immediately came to mind: values, stability, […]

Dave S Celebrates 9 years

What do you get when you take an opiate addicted marine, in 2007, and tell him life is waiting for him out in the Rocky Mountains of Western CO? You get a sober marine celebrating 9 years in 2016! Our very own Dave Santini celebrates his sobriety birthday on the 14th. He is an amazing […]

Patrick Young Celebrates 6 Years

While there are many things I could say about my friend Pat Young… I will mention a few that I believe highlight what I see in him. I once heard a quote describing John Wayne that went something like, “He’s hard to knock off his horse.” This exemplifies Pat as a clinician and a recovering […]

Jaywalker Softball

Once again the Jaywalkers will be well represented in the world of Carbondale sports. For the third year in a row we will have two Jaywalker softball teams competing in the Tuesday night men’s softball league. Come cheer on Jaywalker 1 as they defend their championship title from last year!

Congrats John on 6

Jaywalker’s Director of Outreach Services & Alumni Relations, John Schneier, celebrated 6 years of sobriety yesterday. “To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends – this is an experience you must not miss. We know you […]

Ironman 70.3 Austin

A few weeks ago, one of our very own, Peyton Ward, toed the starting line at Ironman 70.3 Austin. Being relatively new to the sport of triathlon, I’m sure he was experiencing the kind of anxiety that one experiences prior to beginning a 70 plus mile journey done in several hours. Peyton, having already faced […]

World Suicide Prevention Day 2014

When I first walked into the rooms of Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous, one thing rang true: that it was possible to move on from the past and start fresh. The past doesn’t have to define me; but a lot of times, I let it define me. Today, you might turn on the radio and hear […]

Experience the world-class men's treatment center in Carbondale, CO

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Experience the world-class men's treatment center in Carbondale, CO

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.