Can Nature Be My Higher Power?

Many recovery programs are designed to foster faith in an individual. Faith is having confidence in the things we hope for and being reassured that everything truly happens for a reason. Overcoming an addiction can be a very challenging process, although having faith increases your chance of recovery and your chance of finding peace. Having […]

What Can I Do About Persistent Character Defects?

All people have character traits they don’t like about themselves. Those who do their best to avoid these traits from coming through will find themselves feeling this way most often. There’s a lot to be said for those who are self-aware enough to feel these traits may be affecting them negatively, but what can you […]

How Can I Get Out of My Rut?

stuck in a rut

Are you feeling like lately you’ve been stuck in a rut? Are you unable to find the energy to break a self-destructive pattern? Maybe you’re just plain old-fashioned bored. Or maybe things have been particularly hard since, say, March of last year? Well, you’re not alone. Everybody feels stuck in a rut at least once […]

How Do I Find a Higher Power of My Own Understanding?

Higher Power

That’s quite a big question, isn’t it? Perhaps the big question. Finding and understanding our higher power is a quest that mankind has engaged in since ancient times. But we’re not going to go back that far; we’re going to start right here and now. For alcoholics and addicts, the higher power issue is one of […]

Connecting With Your Higher Power in Nature

higher power in nature

For people worldwide, from all walks of life, connecting with our own personal higher power is an important and rewarding pursuit. Whether we are alcoholics, addicts, or otherwise, many of us recognize some sort of power in the universe that is greater than ourselves. Especially for those of us who are in recovery, discovering and […]

What If I Still Have Willpower?


This is a controversial and often-debated question in the recovery community. The dynamics of power and willpower are an issue with many differing opinions among alcoholics and addicts. For some of us, we don’t bother with the idea of willpower at all. Because we know we don’t have any, whether it’s refusing a drink or […]

What Does ‘’Dependence on a Higher Power” Actually Look Like?

dependence on a higher power

Whether we are an alcoholic or addict, both, or neither, we’ve likely had some experience with the various styles of spirituality that people engage in. Whatever we believe or practice — or don’t believe and don’t practice — we are likely aware of many of the ways that people engage with the spiritual side of […]

Men’s Issues: Doing The Right Thing

At Jaywalker Lodge, we help men overcome the hurdles preventing them from achieving and maintaining long-term sobriety. This means that we have firsthand knowledge of the issues that plague men on their journeys to recovery. We see it all, and we’ve dealt with a lot of it ourselves. The reasons behind chronic relapse and difficulty […]

Do I Have To Believe in God To Get Sober?

Faith and belief are both deeply personal, almost private issues. What each of us has faith or believes in, whether we are in or out of recovery, is entirely our business. Yet many alcoholics and addicts who come to 12-Step programs looking for help immediately find their minds closed upon seeing the words “God” or […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.