Amazing Places

I hate Crossfit! So when I woke up this Saturday to be dragged to do the workout I was less than thrilled. It was during that hour at the gym that John and Donnie informed (not asked) me that we would be camping and riding dirt bikes for the next 36 hours, let it be […]

Most Successful Semester

When I graduated the Lodge this last January, I knew that I wanted to continue my education and had some fears about doing that on my own.  I knew that Jaywalker U would be an excellent choice for me because I would be able to get the support I needed in school and in my recovery.  Jaywalker U […]

Night Riders

With record high spring temperatures during the day, Jaywalker alums take their mountain biking adventures into the night. Our boys strap headlights onto their helmets and fly down local trails above Carbondale. John Schneier Admissions Manager Jaywalker Lodge

“Let Us Have Peace”

“We come, not to mourn our dead soldiers, but to praise them.” – Francis Amasa Walker It was a privilege and an honor to attend this years Memorial Day Ceremony at The Veteran’s Memorial Site in Aspen, Co. I was joined by literally hundreds of Roaring Fork Valley citizens who came to remember and honor […]

One Team, Two Teams!

What is better than one Jaywalker Alumni Softball Team? Correct, two Jaywalker Alumni Softball Teams!!!!! Jaywalker alums have put together another softball team to compete in the Town of Carbondale rec league. Come out Tuesday evenings and watch the teams compete!

Happy Mother’s Day

Holidays have become a gift in sobriety.  Welcomed by Jaywalker since the day I walked through the doors, I learned how patience, time, and recovery would heal the wreckage I reeked on my family.  Jaywalker showed me how to take action in my recovery; how to establish my sober identity and offer amends.   Today I […]

Jaywalker Composting

A few months ago, alum Joe T and I embarked on an organic journey to line up our values with our actions and establish some sustainable behaviors at Jaywalker Lodge through the process of composting. Composting is a natural process where organic material, such as vegetable scraps, other food waste, and manure decompose and are […]

The end of the beginning

  “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”  – Winston Churchill Although the 4th annual Sedona mountain bike trip ended today, the trip may have started something that will never end. Sixteen alumni were given the opportunity to start […]

Family Dinner

As the 4th annual Sedona alumni mountain bike trip comes to an end, all 16 alumni sat down for a family style sit down dinner. A family style sit down dinner is something that most of us lost during our addiction, and something that we regained at Jaywalker Lodge.  Family dinners are important in all […]

37 Years of Gratitude

The 4th annual Jaywalker alumni Sedona mountain bike trip started at 4 a.m. this morning. We continued the tradition of kicking off the trip with a sunrise ride in Moab on the way to Sedona. At 8 a.m. 16 alumni, with a cumulative total of more than 37 years of sobriety, descended upon the Magnificent 7 […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.