Can the 12-Steps Help with Other Addictions?

Alcoholism and addiction are often misunderstood terms. There is a difference between a hard drinker and an alcoholic, although it is a subtle difference. To understand it, most people would have to be intimately familiar with what makes one an alcoholic. Addiction is another term that gets misused too often.  Alcoholism and addiction are manifestations […]

The Importance of Happiness

Happiness is a word that means different things to different people. Happiness as an idea sounds outright hokey to a lot of people — particularly with alcoholics and addicts, many of whom have suffered in ways that are far from trivial. For most of us who suffer from the disease, our best memories of happiness […]

Being There for the People in our Lives

Everybody needs somebody. Life is not only better shared with the people we love, but we all go through times in our lives when we need other people, whether it’s just for support, a kind word, or a long hug. People helping people is some of the most incredible and powerful stuff of life. For […]

“WE BELIEVE” #1: The Relentless Pursuit of Joy

At Jaywalker Lodge, our every action is guided by our values. We have 12 core beliefs that shape who we are and what we do. Our Jaywalker philosophy not only defines us, but we believe it also makes a big difference in helping men achieve fulfilling long-term recovery. This philosophy of values is known as […]

Embracing Recovery

Many alcoholics and addicts who truly want to get sober, but find themselves unable to stay sober for long, struggle with the concept of recovery. It can be hard to picture ourselves freed from the prison of our disease. Of course, we see that recovery is possible. We see it in meetings, or we have […]

Something Intangible

Humming with humor and brimming with humanity, this play reveals the remarkable ways brothers support each other – in spite of it all.” What an apt description of Thunder River Theatre Company’s latest production, Something Intangible. I attended the Sunday afternoon matinee of Bruce Graham’s light hearted look at the struggle between art and commerce, […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.