The 12-Steps: A Solution to Much More Than Alcoholism

Jaywalker Lodge firmly believes in the 12-Step solution to alcoholism. The 12-Step program of recovery really works! We’ve seen it in our men and personally in ourselves. The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are also the perfect solution to addiction. In fact, the Steps are just as effective even when the sufferer has both alcoholism […]

Beyond the Obvious Benefits of the 12-Steps

man standing in rushing water on steps

It’s no secret that the 12-Step program of recovery is by far the most effective, holistic, and successful method of treating alcoholism and addiction for both the short and long term. Simply put, it really works! For alcoholics and addicts seeking freedom and recovery from their deadly disease, there is practically nothing else that works […]

How To Reconnect to Our Purpose

Purpose is a big word. The greatest minds in history have been trying to answer this question for ages. But for alcoholics and addicts like us, purpose may be a lot easier to come by than we thought. What Is Purpose? The dictionary defines the word purpose as “the reason for which something is done or […]

9th-Step Promises and the 9th-Step Funk


For those who have spent even just a little time in the rooms of recovery, we are aware of the 12-Steps. Hopefully, we’ve gotten ourselves busy and started working on the 12-Steps with our sponsor. That’s all we need to find freedom and recovery — a copy of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, a […]

How Nature Helps Us Find Our Inner Wild Man


The myth of the wild man is an ancient one. The wild man lives free and true, outside the boundaries we all share. He’s one with nature, one with himself. He fully knows himself, and he lives by his own code. He is strong, fierce, and helpful. A guide. A protector. But the wild man […]

The 12-Steps Provide Us With a Daily Reprieve

Daily Reprieve

Alcoholism and addiction are diseases of a three-fold nature that affect us mentally, spiritually, and physically. First, we have the physical allergy to drugs and alcohol, meaning that people like us can’t safely use alcohol in any form at all. Once we start, we can’t stop – no matter how badly we want to. Then […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.